Using rnginline From the Command Line

Firstly, ensure you’ve installed rnginline.

Basic Usage

Basic usage is:

$ rnginline my-nested-schema-root.rng flattened-output.rng

If the second argument is not given, output goes to stdout, so you can pipe it through xmllint --format or similar:

$ rnginline schema.rng | xmllint --format -
<grammar xmlns="http://...

rnginline -h gives help output as you’d expect, listing all available options:

$ rnginline -h
Flatten a hierachy of RELAX NG schemas into a single schema by recursively
inlining <include>/<externalRef> elements.

usage: rnginline [options] <rng-src> [<rng-output>]
       rnginline [options] --stdin [<rng-output>]


Full Example

In this example we create schema.rng, which references external.rng and inline them into one file, tidying the output with xmllint:

$ cat > schema.rng <<'EOF'
<grammar xmlns="">
  <include href="external.rng">
    <!-- Override foo -->
    <define name="foo">
      <element name="foo">
    <element name="root">
      <ref name="foo"/>
      <ref name="bar"/>

$ cat > external.rng <<'EOF'
<rng:grammar xmlns:xyz="x:/my/ns" xmlns:rng="">
  <rng:define name="foo">
    <rng:element name="foo">
      <rng:notAllowed/> <!-- No foo for you! -->
  <rng:define name="bar">
    <rng:element name="xyz:bar">

Flatten schema.rng and everything it includes into a single XML document, re-indent it with xmllint and save the output in out.rng:

$ rnginline schema.rng | xmllint --format - > out.rng

$ cat out.rng
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<grammar xmlns="">
    <rng:div xmlns:xyz="x:/my/ns" xmlns:rng="">
      <rng:define name="bar">
        <rng:element name="xyz:bar">
    <!-- Override foo -->
    <define name="foo">
      <element name="foo">
        <value datatypeLibrary="">abc</value>
    <element name="root">
      <ref name="foo"/>
      <ref name="bar"/>

The resulting schema acts as expected — the foo definition from external.rng has been overridden:

$ xmllint --relaxng out.rng - <<'EOF'
    <bar xmlns="x:/my/ns">123</bar>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <bar xmlns="x:/my/ns">123</bar>
- validates

Advanced Usage

This section describes some less common use cases.

Passing the input on stdin

You can send the root schema on stdin, but doing so means rnginline won’t know the location of the file, which means it can’t resolve relative references in the input without extra information. To prevent casual use of stdin without realising the issues, the --stdin option must be passed in place of the input file.

To tell rnginline where the schema on stdin is from, use the --base-uri option. If you don’t specify a base, the paths of included files will be relative to the current directory.

Here’s a (contrived) example of pre-processing the input before passing it on stdin:

$ xmllint --format - < /tmp/schema.rnc | rnginline --base-uri /tmp/schema.rnc --stdin
<grammar xmlns="http://...