Using rnginline From Python =========================== Firstly, ensure you've :doc:`installed rnginline `. .. testsetup:: from __future__ import unicode_literals import tempfile, os tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() start_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(tempdir) schema = '''\ abc ''' with open('schema.rng', 'w') as f: f.write(schema) external = '''\ ''' with open('external.rng', 'w') as f: f.write(external) .. testcleanup:: from os.path import realpath assert realpath(os.getcwd()) == realpath(tempdir) from os import path os.unlink(path.join(tempdir, "schema.rng")) os.unlink(path.join(tempdir, "external.rng")) os.rmdir(tempdir) os.chdir(start_dir) Basic Usage ----------- The example files used here are shown at the :ref:`bottom of this section `. RELAX NG files on the filesystem can be referenced by path: .. doctest:: >>> import rnginline, os >>> sorted(os.listdir('.')) ['external.rng', 'schema.rng'] >>> rnginline.inline('schema.rng') But ``lxml`` can already do that; the real utility is in loading multi-part schemas from locations other than the filesystem, which ``lxml`` can't do. We can load multi-part schemas stored in Python packages (which may be stored in zip files on disk). Here's how to load one of the schemas from rnginline's test suite: .. doctest:: python >>> import rnginline >>> from rnginline.urlhandlers import pydata >>> url = pydata.makeurl('rnginline.test', ... 'data/testcases/external-ref-1/schema.rng') >>> url 'pydata://rnginline.test/data/testcases/external-ref-1/schema.rng' >>> rnginline.inline(url) Data Sources ------------ The first argument to ``inline()`` defines the location to load the top-level schema from. It can be a filesystem path, a URL, a file-like object or an ``lxml.etree`` element. If you don't want ``inline`` to guess which input you're providing, you can pass the input as a specific type using one of the ``url``, ``path``, ``file`` or ``etree`` keyword args instead. URLs **** When you use a URL as the input, it's retrieved using the same machinery that fetches external schemas during the inlining process. By default two types of URLs are supported. ``file:`` URLs referencing the local filesystem, and ``pydata:`` URLs referencing data in a Python package. Note that the ``pydata:`` scheme is a proprietary/unregistered scheme created for use in rnginline. .. note:: You can add support for URLs other than these, see :ref:`the URL Handlers section` for details. .. doctest:: >>> rnginline.inline('pydata://rnginline.test/data/testcases/include-1/schema.rng') >>> from rnginline import urlhandlers >>> url = urlhandlers.pydata.makeurl('rnginline.test', 'data/testcases/include-1/schema.rng') >>> url 'pydata://rnginline.test/data/testcases/include-1/schema.rng' >>> rnginline.inline(url) Filesystem Paths **************** When you pass a filesystem path, it's converted into a scheme-less URL path which is resolved against the *default base URL*, which by default is the current working directory. .. doctest:: >>>'schema.rng', 'Not valid URL path.rng') >>> rnginline.inline('Not valid URL path.rng') >>> url = urlhandlers.file.makeurl('Not valid URL path.rng') >>> url 'Not%20valid%20URL%20path.rng' >>> rnginline.inline(url) >>> os.unlink('Not valid URL path.rng') File-like Objects ***************** You may pass a file-like object as the input source. URLs inside the input's schema document will be relative to the *default base URI* (current directory) unless you use the ``base_uri`` keyword arg to ``inline()`` to specify a the base URI of the file object. .. doctest:: >>> os.mkdir('foo') >>> os.chdir('foo') >>> with open('../schema.rng') as f: ... # schema.rng references external.rng, which would fail to ... # resolve unless we provide a base URI ... rnginline.inline(f, base_uri='../schema.rng') >>> os.chdir('..') >>> os.rmdir('foo') ``lxml.etree`` Element ********************** You can pass pre-parsed XML as an ``lxml.etree`` element. The base URI of the elements in the document is respected, and you should most likely ensure it's defined to be something sensible to allow references to external files to be resolved correctly. The base URI of an element is by default the URL of the location the parser read the document from. It can be overridden from within the XML document using the ``xml:base`` attribute as well. .. doctest:: >>> os.mkdir('foo') >>> os.chdir('foo') >>> from lxml import etree >>> doc = etree.parse('../schema.rng') >>> doc.docinfo.URL '../schema.rng' >>> rnginline.inline(doc) >>> with open('../schema.rng') as f: ... schema_content = >>> elem = etree.fromstring(schema_content) >>> elem.getroottree().docinfo.URL is None True >>> rnginline.inline(elem, base_uri='../schema.rng') >>> elem = etree.fromstring(schema_content, base_url='../schema.rng') >>> rnginline.inline(elem) >>> os.chdir('..') >>> os.rmdir('foo') .. note:: If you use ``etree.XML()``/``etree.fromstring()``, the XML won't have a base URI set unless you use the ``base_url`` keyword arg. .. _url-handlers: URL Handlers ------------ URLs encountered in ```` / ```` elements are fetched using the URL Handlers registered with the Inliner whose ``inline()`` method has been called. As mentioned above, handlers for ``file:`` and ``pydata:`` URLs are provided and activated by default. Handlers for other URL schemes can be created and used quite easily. Say you wanted to inline a schema referencing sub parts via HTTP. You could do it like this: .. doctest:: >>> from rnginline.urlhandlers import ensure_parsed >>> import requests # >>> class HTTPUrlHandler(object): ... def can_handle(self, url): ... print('Calling can_handle() w/ {}'.format(url)) ... return ensure_parsed(url).scheme == 'http' ... ... def dereference(self, url): ... print('Calling dereference() w/ {}'.format(url)) ... return requests.get(url).content >>> from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler >>> import threading >>> # Start an HTTP server serving the schemas in our cwd >>> httpd = HTTPServer(('localhost', 8000), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler) >>> threading.Thread(target=httpd.serve_forever).start() >>> rnginline.inline('http://localhost:8000/schema.rng', ... handlers=[HTTPUrlHandler()]) Calling can_handle() w/ http://localhost:8000/schema.rng Calling dereference() w/ http://localhost:8000/schema.rng Calling can_handle() w/ http://localhost:8000/external.rng Calling dereference() w/ http://localhost:8000/external.rng >>> httpd.shutdown() .. _example-files: Example Files ------------- The preceding examples in this section assume the following files exist in the directory the examples are run from. .. literalinclude:: schema.rng :language: xml :caption: .. literalinclude:: external.rng :language: xml :caption: